New product launch – Transformerboard T7
Weidmann is pleased to announce the launch of a new Transformerboard into the market under the name T7. This new product offering joins Weidmann‘s comprehensive range of high quality Transformerboard which are manufactured using the latest technology and know-how to produce materials that enhance reliability, efficiency and safety. T7 is designed for manufacturing processes that […]
weiterlesenShield rings
Shield rings, which are also referred to as static rings or metalized screen rings, are placed at both ends of the winding. In most cases they are used to shape the electrical field with an appropriate radius, rather than leaving the sharp edge created by the conductor. The electric surface stress at the edge of […]
weiterlesenHow is Your Transformer’s Health?
Network operators are frequently challenged to increase the reliability of key assets, but at the same time, budgets and available resources are often being reduced. To meet these requirements, new and innovative approaches to asset management are being deployed. Many current transformer maintenance plans involve time-based programs, along with utilizing key individual knowledge of transformer […]
weiterlesenPower vs Space – How to win this battle?
In modern society, electricity is increasingly vital to our daily activities. We need electricity to charge the batteries in our ever-evolving gadgets, to power the amenities of our lives and in the near future, if not already, to power our cars and other means of transportation. Since most of the network infrastructure was put in […]
weiterlesenTransformer Fleet Assessment in Europe
Weidmann have recently conducted a successful transformer fleet assessment for a Swiss utility where the state of 14 power transformers was evaluated. Nowadays, transformer fleet owners have a huge amount of information about their units, for example: diagnostic data, loading data, through-fault characteristics etc. Weidmann, with its experience in transformer design, inspection and condition evaluation, […]
weiterlesenNot Pulp Fiction: A New Pressure on the Paper and Forest Product Industry
by Francis Fisher Many people believe that the paper and forest product industry is in decline, especially considering the digitalized world that we live in. While the global market for graphic paper, used predominantly for newspapers and writing paper, has seen a decline since 2015, the paper and forest product industry as a whole has […]
weiterlesenCIGRE 2018
Taking place from August 26th to 31st at Palais des Congrès, Paris, Weidmann Electrical Technology will be exhibiting state-of-the-art products and services at CIGRE 2018. With 8,500 specialists attending and 93 countries being represented, CIGRE has become the international leading power systems event for technical experts worldwide. Do not miss our exhibit of innovative monitoring […]
weiterlesenDPE Blog
Created by Weidmann, the world leader in transformer insulation, INSULutions® DPE (Diamond Pattern Enhanced Paper) is a new grade of layer insulating paper that can reduce costs and improve the reliability of your liquid filled distribution transformer. Designed to improve the performance of your transformers and reduce Total Owning Cost, DPE is a next-generation technology […]
weiterlesenJoin Weidmann at Coil Winding 2018
Taking place from June 19 to 21, 2018 at Messe Berlin, Weidmann Electrical Technology will be attending CWIEME Berlin. With over 6,700 attendees, this exhibition continues to be the world leader for coil, electric motor, transformer and generator manufacturing technologies. Do not miss our exhibit of innovative products such as our new InsuLogix® T and […]
weiterlesen100 Years of IEEE PES Transformers Committee Celebration
In March 2018, the Spring Meeting of IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) Transformers Committee celebrated 100 years of transformer standards development and all that it has accomplished over these years. The history of the committee dates back to 1918 as ‘No 8 Transformers’, a subcommittee of Standards Committee, first emerged. It was initially formed […]