Case Study VI: Tank Temperature Rise Verification
Through simulation, tank hot spot areas are predicted and located with high reliability. In fact the simulations show a very good match with the measured temperature values. For all the details click here.
weiterlesenWeidmann Electrical Technologies Germany – Detecting temperature for a wide range of applications
Given that most of you reading this article will be from the transformer related industry, it will come as no surprise to hear that the main ‘transformer killers’ that can significantly reduce the life of a transformer relate to temperature and moisture. For many years at Weidmann we have developed our know-how and invested in […]
weiterlesenNomex® Edge Protection Rings
Geometrically Edge Protection Rings are characterized as Angle Rings, which protect the inner diameter of a winding, or as Caps to protect the outer diameter. The rings are specified using the following main dimensions; diameter, flange and collar, thickness and edge radius. While the Angle Rings and Caps of the end insulation divide the respective […]
weiterlesenTransformer Fleet & Condition Assessment
Would you like to put your remaining 2019 maintenance budget to good use? Do you have concerns or questions regarding the remaining life or condition of your transformer fleet? Utilizing our extensive knowledge of transformer insulation and design, Weidmann are available to provide condition assessments on individual units or your entire transformer fleet. Understanding your […]
weiterlesenCase Study V: LV losses
The reasons of very high losses in the LV winding cannot be explained but through simulations. Finite Element Analysis allows finding and optimized solution at the same cost of the original one. For all the details click here.
weiterlesenBTS@Weidmann – Creping Process
Weidmann produce high quality, electrical grade crepe paper that, along with other applications, is used in the manufacturing of high voltage transformer bushings. Our material is utilized in applications that exceed one million volts DC, therefore demands the highest levels of quality, consistency and adherence to customer requirements and tolerances. Given that transformers form a […]
weiterlesenMoisture Protection of Insulation Material
Transformer manufacturers are well aware of the effect humidity has on insulation material, whether it is made of cellulose or aramid fibers. Changes in the water content of the material leads to shrinkage and swelling respectively. During the winding process, winders have noticed deformation between the strips at the upper end of the vertically wound […]
weiterlesenCase Study IV: Top lead exit thermal analysis
Through simulations design configurations were validated. Simple, inexpensive and counterintuitive solutions can be found for complex problems. For all the details click here.
weiterlesenBTS@Weidmann – Rings
The world’s largest transformers demand the world’s largest components. At high voltages, especially in HVDC projects, the quality of components and adherence to strict tolerances is also essential. Weidmann manufacture the world’s largest Shield Rings at both European and American facilities. But how are these constructed? And how are such large components shipped safely and […]